Board Meetings

The Hastings Park/PNE Board of Directors meet six to eight times per year.

There is an open portion at two of the Board meetings.

Agendas for open portion meetings will be posted one week prior to the meeting date, as well as the minutes of past meetings.


2023 PNE Board Meeting Schedule

Date Meeting Type Documents
February 22, 2024 In Camera and Business Portions
April 11, 2024 In Camera and Business Portions
May 23, 2024 In Camera and Business Portions
May 23, 2024 Public Portion (from 6pm in the Hastings Room)
PH-PNE Master Plan Update
Redevelopment: Site Impact & Public Safety
Community Advisory Group and Neighbourhood Focus Group Alignment
July 25, 2024 In Camera and Business Portions
October 24, 2024 In Camera and Business Portions
December 2, 2024 In Camera and Business Portions
December 2, 2024 Public Portion (from 6pm in the Hastings Room)

Previous Years Meeting Minutes

Community Question Period

The PNE senior management team and PNE Board of Directors – with the goal of increasing dialogue with our local community – invite questions, topic suggestions and issue raising from the community, that they would like the PNE to report out on at the next PNE public board meeting.

Questions, topics and issues for the PNE public board meeting on December 7, 2023 have been collected through the PNE’s Community Advisory Group – which represents the neighbourhood and wider community in the PNE’s governance. Three topics have been selected based on their recommendations.

Our next public board meeting will be May 23, 2024.

Opportunity to Present to the PNE Board of Directors

To provide an opportunity for input from the immediate and city wide community, the following procedures describe how an individual or a delegation may submit an item for consideration at the open portion of a HP/PNE Board meeting, or speak to agenda items.

The annual HP/PNE Board meeting schedule is established in September every year for the following 12 month period and posted on the PNE website. There is an open portion at two of the Board meetings, of which there are typically six in a calendar year. These meeting dates are also posted on the published calendar and typically include the meetings in June and December.


For Public Meetings:

Agendas and relevant reports are posted on the PNE website approximately one calendar week prior to each Board meeting. Individuals or delegations may request that an item be placed on the agenda by submitting a request three calendar weeks prior to the meeting date that includes a scheduled open portion. Requests may be made by email, phone, or in person. All requests are considered, and the HP/PNE Board Chair sets the agenda for each meeting.

Individuals or delegations may request to speak to an agenda item once the agenda is posted and up to 24 hours prior to the start of the meeting. Requests are made by email, phone or in person, and must be received by the PNE 24 hours before the start of the meeting. Requests must include first and last name, organization or interest group (if applicable) and agenda item to be addressed.

In order to ensure that there is enough time to address all agenda items; up to five minutes has been allocated for each speaker; the number of speakers to an agenda item is limited to four; and the number of public items on the agenda is limited to four. Any agenda items that are not addressed will be deferred to a future Board meeting.

Individuals or delegations wishing to present audio-visual or hard copy materials must submit the materials to the designated PNE staff member at least 24 hours prior to the start of the meeting. PNE retains copies of all material presented to the Board. Handouts not submitted within the timeline will not be distributed.

Individuals and delegations at Board meetings will abide by the following code of conduct:

  1. Speak or present any materials in a manner that is respectful of all persons
  2. Use courteous or parliamentary language
  3. Speak only on the matter under consideration by the Board
  4. Respect the authority of the Chair.

To submit an item for consideration at the open portion of a HP/PNE Board meeting or to make a request to appear at the open portion of a HP/PNE Board please contact the PNE at:

Phone: 604-253-2311